Katherine Mary Warpeha

    Email Address: kwarpeha@uic.edu
    College: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: Biological Sciences
    Title: Associate Professor
    Office: 6-7646
    Webpage: https://bios.uic.edu/profiles/warpeha-katherine/
    Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

    Research Interest:
    My laboratory endeavors to understand reception and signaling of environmental signals and how these signals can promote development, or affect cellular stress responses that inhibit or promote cell division.
    We are working in a basic science model in eukaryotic plant cells, and adapting our basic knowledge into plant products. Some of our plants products can be used as natural herbicides. Yet others can prevent disease and promote human health by reducing inflammation.
    We are also interested in the products of a number of plants that can be utilized as inflammation or cancer preventatives.

    Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 6 lab, 1 reading

    Qualifications of a Student:
    2.75 gpa minimum;

    minimum pre-req 100-level biology or equivalent, BIOS222 or BIOS240, introductory Chemistry (1 semester of 100-level non-major's chem);

    must be at least sophomore or 2nd year;

    must be reliable and willing to learn, understand integrity, follow directions and protocols;

    can be biology major or minor, with minimum classes as described above.

    Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
    Student must reliably show up to focus and work on a project, and make a good effort to assist the lab in research endeavors.

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